Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Packaging Re-Design / Design 2 / THE NEXT ROUND

This is the "final" direction of my graphics and package design. The box uses no adhesives, and can be opened flat to use as a plate, if needed.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Packaging Re-Design / Design 2

We were given the task to  document a "take-out" experience at a fast food restaurant of our choice.
The focus of this assignment is on solving packaging issues while taking into consideration the impact that these packages (use, waste of materials, producing, etc.) have on our environment.

I chose to go to Chick-fil-A. Below is a story board depicting my take-out experience there. I received two bags for one meal. One for my sandwich (which was packaged in a plastic container--not good), and one for my fries (an open paper container). My drink was in a Styrofoam cup (also not good). By the time I got home my fries were cold.

I designed a box that would hold both a sandwich and fries (the sandwich would be wrapped in paper, thus aiding i the separation of the two food items). This took care of the use of two bags vs. one bag. The box has a lid. This took care of keeping the fries warm. I am also considering designing a carrying bag that could be opened and used as a place mat.

We are also designing new graphics for the packaging. The task is to only use elements of  the existing type and graphics.






Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Type 01 / FINAL:Magazine Spread and the Leading Grid

Final Spread 1of 2

Final Spread 2 of 2
Key Image and Compound Word Study

Key Image and Compound Word Study

Key Image and Compound Word Study
Developmental Stage

Developmental Stage

Developmental Stage

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Final Album Design

This is a digital book version of my Buddy Holly Apartment Tapes album design.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Type 01 / project 4 spread homework

_ What are some ways to indicate a new paragraph?
Color change, indent, exdent, symbols, type style (i.e. all caps), size change

_ What are some things to look out for when hyphenating text?
How the text is read (where the natural breaks are); Avoid widows and orphans; Avoid hyphenating names and proper nouns; Leave at least 2 characters on the line and 3 following; Avoid beginning and ending consecutive lines with the same word; Avoid ending lines with the words: the, of , that, by...

_ Define font hinting. Why is necessary?
 Hinting is defining bitmaps for low resolution rendering, usually on monitors and displays. For the reproduction of small types on screens or mobile telephone displays.

_ What is letter spacing/tracking? How do you track in Illustrator or InDesign
Letter spacing is the amount of white spacing between letters (a.k.a. functional white).

Adjust tracking

  1. Select a range of characters.
  2. In the Character panel or Control panel, type or select a numeric value for Tracking .

_ Define Kerning? Name 8 kerning pairs. How do you kern in InDesign or Illustrator?
The placement of characters in a typeface in relation to each other.
1)Av 2)Aw 3)FA 4)OY 5)Tw 6)LV 7)PA 8)Wo

Use metrics kerning

  1. Set the text insertion point between the characters you want to pair kern, or select text.
  2. In the Character panel or Control panel, select Metrics in the Kerning  menu.
To avoid using the built-in kerning information of a font for selected text, choose “0” in the Kerning   menu.

Use optical kerning

  1. Set the text insertion point between characters you want to pair kern or select the text you want to kern.
  2. In the Character panel or Control panel, select Optical in the Kerning  menu.

_ try the kerning game (link). how did you do?
Averaged around 80%

_ What is word spacing?
The space between two words. The word space is about a fourth to a third of an em-space.

_ Explain DIN.
Fixed formats used for paper size. The sizes of the sheets of paper supplied by paper manufacturers are based in DIN A sizes, with a bit added for trimming, the gripper margin of the printing press and finish.

_ What is a baseline grid?
A grid of virtual lines upon which letters stand and which define the line interval on a page.

_ How many characters per line is optimal? Is there a range?
10 to 12 words, or 60 to 70 characters.

 _ Define aesthetic text alignment (optically hanging punctuation).
Allowing punctuation marks to extend beyond the text frame.

_ What is a typographic river?
The wide gaps that occur in badly spaced block text (usually justified text). Also known as rivers of white. They are especially visible as an undulating line when the text is held upside down.

_ What is a widow?
The last line of a paragraph standing alone in a new column or on a new page.

_ what is an orphan?
The first line of a paragraph at the bottom of a column or page.